USE [ZEKSPro] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spModelBulkUpdate] Script Date: 02/08/2014 19:09:34 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[spModelBulkUpdate] ( @strXML varchar(max) ) As BEGIN Declare @XMLContent XML set @XMLContent = @strXML declare @str varchar(max) set @str ='select ' declare @coltable table ( colid int Identity(1,1), colheader varchar(500) ) insert into @coltable SELECT a.b.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(max)') test FROM @XMLContent.nodes('/NewDataSet[1]/Table1[1]/*') as a(b) Declare @elementname varchar(max) set @elementname = '' Declare @count int, @index int set @count = (Select COUNT(*) from @coltable) set @index = 1 while (@count >0) begin set @elementname = Replace((Replace((Replace((Replace((Replace((Replace((Replace((Replace((Replace((select colheader from @coltable where colid = @index),'_x0020_',' ')),'_x000D__x000A_','')),'x003','')),'_x0028_','(')),'_x0029_',')')),'x0023','.')),'x002C',',')),'x002F','/')),'x00B0','°') set @str = @str + 'a.b.value(''./' + (select colheader from @coltable where colid = @index) + '[1]'',''nvarchar(max)'')' + ' as ' +'['+ @elementname +'],' + CHAR(10) --set @str = @str + 'a.b.value(''./' + (select colheader from @coltable where colid = @index) + '[1]'',''nvarchar(max)'')' + ' as ' +'['+ Replace((Replace((select colheader from @coltable where colid = @index),'_x0020_',' ')),'_x000D__x000A_','')+'],' + CHAR(10) set @count = @count - 1 set @index = @index + 1 end set @str = SUBSTRING(@str,0,len(@str)-1) set @str = @str +' into ##ty2 FROM @XMLContent.nodes(''/NewDataSet[1]/Table1'') as a(b);' declare @query varchar(max) set @query = 'Declare @XMLContent XML Set @XMLContent = '''+ CONVERT(varchar(max), @XMLContent)+'''' set @str = @query + @str execute (@str) DECLARE @colsUnpivot AS NVARCHAR(MAX),@query1 AS NVARCHAR(MAX) select @colsUnpivot = stuff((select ','+quotename( FROM tempdb.sys.columns c WHERE c.object_id = OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##ty2' ) for xml path('')), 1, 1, '') set @colsUnpivot=REPLACE(@colsUnpivot,'[ProdID],[ProductName],[Instructions],','') set @query1 = 'select ProdID, ProductName, Instructions,SpecificationName,SpecValue into ##ty4 from ##ty2 unpivot ( SpecValue for SpecificationName in ('+ @colsunpivot +') ) u' execute (@query1) Declare @ProdID int,@ProductName nvarchar(100),@Instructions nvarchar(100), @SpecificationName nvarchar(100),@SpecValue nvarchar(100), @SpecificationID int,@SubCatID int, @SpecName nvarchar(100), @CondensorType nvarchar(100) Declare cursorSpecification cursor for select rtrim(ltrim(ProdID)),rtrim(ltrim(ProductName)),rtrim(ltrim(Instructions)),rtrim(ltrim(SpecificationName)),rtrim(ltrim(SpecValue)) from ##ty4 open cursorSpecification fetch next from cursorSpecification into @ProdID,@ProductName,@Instructions,@SpecificationName,@SpecValue While @@Fetch_Status = 0 Begin set @SubCatID = (Select SubCatID from tblProduct where rtrim(ltrim(ProdID)) = @ProdID) --print (@SpecificationName) --set @SpecName = Replace((REPLACE(@SpecificationName,'Air Cooled_','')),'Water Cooled_','') --set @SpecName = SUBSTRING(@SpecificationName, print(@SpecificationName) if(CHARINDEX('AIR COOLED',Upper(@SpecificationName))>0) begin --set @CondensorType = SUBSTRING(@SpecificationName,0,CHARINDEX(@SpecificationName,'Air Cooled_',0)) set @CondensorType = 1 end else if(CHARINDEX('WATER COOLED',Upper(@SpecificationName))>0) begin --set @CondensorType = SUBSTRING(@SpecificationName,0,CHARINDEX(@SpecificationName,'Water Cooled_',0)) set @CondensorType = 2 end else begin --set @CondensorType = 'Default' set @CondensorType = 3 end set @SpecName = Replace((REPLACE(@SpecificationName,'Air Cooled_','')),'Water Cooled_','') print (@SpecName) print (@CondensorType) Declare cursorSpecID cursor for Select SpecID from dbo.tblProductSpecificationMaster where rtrim(ltrim(SpecificationName)) = @SpecName and SubCatID = @SubCatID and rtrim(ltrim(CondensorType)) = @CondensorType open cursorSpecID fetch next from cursorSpecID into @SpecificationID --print (@SpecificationID) While @@Fetch_Status = 0 Begin if exists(Select * from tblProductDtlSpecificationData where rtrim(ltrim(ProdID)) = @ProdID and rtrim(ltrim(SpecID)) = @SpecificationID) begin update dbo.tblProductDtlSpecificationData set SpecValue = @SpecValue where SpecID = @SpecificationID and ProdID = @ProdID fetch next from cursorSpecID into @SpecificationID end else begin insert into tblProductDtlSpecificationData(ProdID, SpecID, SpecValue) values(@ProdID,@SpecificationID,@SpecValue) fetch next from cursorSpecID into @SpecificationID end End Close cursorSpecID Deallocate cursorSpecID fetch next from cursorSpecification into @ProdID,@ProductName,@Instructions,@SpecificationName,@SpecValue end Close cursorSpecification Deallocate cursorSpecification drop table ##ty2 drop table ##ty4 END